8 things beautiful
I would have done this a lot sooner, however, Blogger has become more of a thorn on my side this past week, since Blogger had a significant number of unplanned outages. I could putt on my worn out tinfoil hat and say that the outages are part of the Google conspiracy. But no, they are not working with the NSA to silence bloggers, they are doing it for themselves. Its Google's way of letting people know they want people to switch to their newer version of Blogger, since none of my problems I experienced affected the new version of Blogger. Only problem, I will not be able to switch everything into the newer version. It is not as if I haven't thought about switching to a new blog that would give me the creative freedom to design the blog the way I like to see it. Truthfully, I started thinking about back in June. I started with Blogsome, but like the new version of Blogger, I am unable import all my post to the new blog. So I looked into Wordpress because I knew I could my import posts, but the only problem, I was unable to customize my theme. Therefore, I gave up on the whole idea. Now I thinking about it again after my little experience this week, but I don't know how to go about it. Why can't I have my cake and eat it too? Anyway....
I have been "tagged" by Nezua to do an image meme. I figure if Nezua could come out of his anti-social shell to do it, so can I. The meme is to find or create images of eight things I find amazing in picture form. (Click the read more view.)
This picture was emailed to me by Miguel Delgadillo back in June when he came across my blog. He was giving me a heads up on a video he directed. The song is "Libertad" by Los Angeles' Maria Fatal. The video for "Libertad" was based on the recent immigration marches. If you have a chance to see it, please do. The video and the song are very powerful.
There is something about that picture of Ann Richards I find very comforting. It is hard to put it into words. Maybe because it is hope that is almost lost here in Texas.
Rest are self-explanatory.
I have been "tagged" by Nezua to do an image meme. I figure if Nezua could come out of his anti-social shell to do it, so can I. The meme is to find or create images of eight things I find amazing in picture form. (Click the read more view.)

This picture was emailed to me by Miguel Delgadillo back in June when he came across my blog. He was giving me a heads up on a video he directed. The song is "Libertad" by Los Angeles' Maria Fatal. The video for "Libertad" was based on the recent immigration marches. If you have a chance to see it, please do. The video and the song are very powerful.

There is something about that picture of Ann Richards I find very comforting. It is hard to put it into words. Maybe because it is hope that is almost lost here in Texas.
Rest are self-explanatory.




