Gracias Miguel Delgadillo!
Libertad by Los Angeles' Maria Fatal
A message from lead singer Fernando Ramirez that I couldn't have said any better myself.
Libertad by Los Angeles' Maria Fatal
A message from lead singer Fernando Ramirez that I couldn't have said any better myself.
El video de "Libertad" lo hemos hecho como testimonio de la Gran Marcha Americana 2006. Cineastas, Artistas, Fotografos, Productores, etc. coincidimos en movilizarnos y no solo criticar. Muchos de nosotros vivimos (algunos todavia) en carne propia la discriminacion e intolerancia que se vive en este pais. Simpatizamos apasionadamente con el inmigrante ilegal. La constitucion Norteamericana se redacto para respetar los principios y derechos mas valiosos del ser humano, y dar la oportunidad a todo extranjero de tener un espacio donde vivir su vida con libertad. No es justo que ahora se quieran cambiar las reglas constitucionales por las creencias intolerantes de solo una minoria. Lamentablemente todavia existe gente en EU como James Sensenbrenner, The Minutemen, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Arnold Schwarzenneger, etc, etc. que conforman esa minoria. Tienen ese complejo Hitleriano de superioridad sobre las demas razas del mundo. Minoria que quiere manipular al sistema que "enmienda" a la constitucion para privar al latinoamericano de seguir los pasos de millones y millones de extranjeros que han llegado a Estados Unidos a beneficiar a la sociedad ya establecida con esfuerzo, sudor y lagrimas.
La marcha del 25 de Marzo de 2006, fue una manifestacion pacifica. Un movimiento para expresar el sentir general de intolerancia a la intolerancia. Exigimos respeto y justicia. Exigimos igualdad social. Exigimos la oportunidad que se les brinda a otras nacionalidades de venir a este pais a tratar de vivir dignamente. Seguiremos manifestandonos hasta lograrlo!!!!! Seguiremos documentandolo como lo estamos haciendo en este video. Apoya.......muestra este video para que gente que no pudo asistir se de cuenta de lo que realmente sucedio. No te dejes llevar por las mentiras que las corporaciones televisivas manipulan para ensuciar la verdad. Copia este video y compartelo. - Fernando Ramirez Abril, 2006
The video for "Libertad" was made as testimony of the great american march of 2006. Filmmakers, artists, photographers, and producers coincided and united to not only criticize, but also participate. Many of us have lived (and continue to live) the discrimination and intolerance that is witnessed to this very day within our borders. We sympathize and solidarize with all immigrants and working people not only in the US, but throughout the world. Our very own constitution was created to respect the most basic rights and principles of all people, and provide to all people, foreign or not, the right to live their lives with justice and liberty. It is unjust that we now see this movement to change these most basic constitutional rights due to the intolerant beliefs of a very small minority. Unfortunately, we still see people and organizations such as James Sensenbrenner, The Minutemen, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Arnold Schwarzenneger, etc. etc., that comprise this minority; having an almost Hitler-esque belief of superiority over others. This minority of people who want to manipulate the system and ammend the constitution to deny immigrants the same rights provided to millions and millions of foreigners that have come to the United States to benefit our society already established with effort, sweat, and tears.
The march that took place on March 25, 2006, was a peaceful demonstration. A movement to express the general sentiment of intolerance towards intolerance. We demand respect and justice. We demand an equal society. We demand the opportunity that is afforded to so many others to come to this country and live with dignity. We will continue to fight until our goals are reached!!! We will continue to document, as we did with this video. Show this video to all those who were not there with us, so they can witness a short account of what occurred. Dont let yourself be taken by the corporate media entities that manipulate the truth. Copy this video and share. - Fernando Ramirez April, 2006