Congrats Everybody but Texas
There is a lot to be excited about yesterday’s election. The country has spoken and they said enough is enough and handed the Democrats a victory.
The Democrats have won 228 seats leaving the Republicans 196. This now means Rep Nancy Pelosi of CA will become the new Speaker of the House, not only will it be Dudya worst nightmare, but she will now be the first woman to lead the chamber, which also means she is 3rd in line to the Presidency. CAN WE TALK ABOUT IMPEACHMENT NOW!
In the Senate, Democrats won four of the six seats needed to take control of the Senate. I salute the people of Ohio, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Missouri for cleaning up there house by saying goodbye to Mike DeWine of OH, Rick Santorum of PA, Lincoln Chafee of RI and Jim Talent of MO. Thank you.

What about here in Texas? Nope, No celebrating here!
US Senator
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) - 2,659,253 61.68%
Barbara Ann Radnofsky (D) - 1,554,305 36.05%
Rick Perry (R) - 1,715,324 39.02%
Chris Bell (D) - 1,309,828 29.80%
"Kinky" Friedman (I) - 553,493 12.59%
Carole Keeton Strayhorn (I) 789,700 17.96%
Lt Governor
David Dewhurst (R) - 2,513,277 58.19%
Maria Luisa Alvarado (D) - 1,616,999 37.44%
Attorney General
Greg Abbott (R) - 2,554,681 59.51%
David Van Os (D) - 1,598,475 37.24%
Before the elections, the Republicans had a 22-seat lead in the 150-member House of Representatives. After the elections, the Rethugs only lost two seats, which one of those seats happens to be my district. Farewell, Martha Wong, please do let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split 'ya. Congratulations Ellen Cohen!
And congratulations to Valinda Bolton for defeating her Rethug challenger Bill Welch.
Texas is considered as one of the most populous Republican state in the country. There were a few races the GOP was hoping to keep; however, there was one seat that was predicted to change Democratic - the abandoned seat of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Since the courts denied the Republicans to replace DeLay on the ballot, well, it looks like they wasted over $1 million trying to educate voters on how to cast a write-in vote for Shelley Sekula-Gibbs on the electronic voting machines.
There is a possibility to take away another seat from the Rethugs and that is in the 23rd Congressional District, currently held by sell-out Henry Bonilla. This is the same district where the Supreme Court ruled that the district violated the Voting Rights Act. The finding led to a new district and set up a special open election.
Bonilla has drawn seven challengers, six of them are Democrats - Rick Bolanos, Lukin Gilliland, Augie Beltran, Adrian DeLeon, Albert Uresti, and former Rep Ciro Rodriguez. Guess who was the favorite for the Dems, one clue - it sure wasn't any of those Chicanos. The big wigs were all pulling for the wealthier gringo Lukin Gilliland, even some Latinos felt the gringo would do better. Silly gringos, when will they ever learn? They backed the wrong horse because the run-off against Bonilla is Ciro Rodriguez. My choice the minute he threw my hat in, however, not my district. The Texas Democratic Party had better not sell him out as they routinely do, the people have spoken, and they had better listen.
Although I may not be happy, this state was not part of the change that occurred through out this country. I have the strangest feeling we should look closely into these elections to see if there was any foul play, such as "computer glitches" that continue to plague San Patricio County.
Other counties with "computer glitches" -
Grayson County -
Hidalgo County -

In the Senate, Democrats won four of the six seats needed to take control of the Senate. I salute the people of Ohio, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Missouri for cleaning up there house by saying goodbye to Mike DeWine of OH, Rick Santorum of PA, Lincoln Chafee of RI and Jim Talent of MO. Thank you.

What about here in Texas? Nope, No celebrating here!
US Senator
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) - 2,659,253 61.68%
Barbara Ann Radnofsky (D) - 1,554,305 36.05%
Rick Perry (R) - 1,715,324 39.02%
Chris Bell (D) - 1,309,828 29.80%
"Kinky" Friedman (I) - 553,493 12.59%
Carole Keeton Strayhorn (I) 789,700 17.96%
Lt Governor
David Dewhurst (R) - 2,513,277 58.19%
Maria Luisa Alvarado (D) - 1,616,999 37.44%
Attorney General
Greg Abbott (R) - 2,554,681 59.51%
David Van Os (D) - 1,598,475 37.24%
Before the elections, the Republicans had a 22-seat lead in the 150-member House of Representatives. After the elections, the Rethugs only lost two seats, which one of those seats happens to be my district. Farewell, Martha Wong, please do let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split 'ya. Congratulations Ellen Cohen!
And congratulations to Valinda Bolton for defeating her Rethug challenger Bill Welch.
Texas is considered as one of the most populous Republican state in the country. There were a few races the GOP was hoping to keep; however, there was one seat that was predicted to change Democratic - the abandoned seat of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Since the courts denied the Republicans to replace DeLay on the ballot, well, it looks like they wasted over $1 million trying to educate voters on how to cast a write-in vote for Shelley Sekula-Gibbs on the electronic voting machines.
There is a possibility to take away another seat from the Rethugs and that is in the 23rd Congressional District, currently held by sell-out Henry Bonilla. This is the same district where the Supreme Court ruled that the district violated the Voting Rights Act. The finding led to a new district and set up a special open election.
Bonilla has drawn seven challengers, six of them are Democrats - Rick Bolanos, Lukin Gilliland, Augie Beltran, Adrian DeLeon, Albert Uresti, and former Rep Ciro Rodriguez. Guess who was the favorite for the Dems, one clue - it sure wasn't any of those Chicanos. The big wigs were all pulling for the wealthier gringo Lukin Gilliland, even some Latinos felt the gringo would do better. Silly gringos, when will they ever learn? They backed the wrong horse because the run-off against Bonilla is Ciro Rodriguez. My choice the minute he threw my hat in, however, not my district. The Texas Democratic Party had better not sell him out as they routinely do, the people have spoken, and they had better listen.
Although I may not be happy, this state was not part of the change that occurred through out this country. I have the strangest feeling we should look closely into these elections to see if there was any foul play, such as "computer glitches" that continue to plague San Patricio County.
Other counties with "computer glitches" -
Grayson County -
In Grayson County a new, electronic voting system was the biggest issue for some people.
Even though a trial run in the primaries went off without a hitch, the electronic voting system introduced Tuesday actually slowed the voting process down in some precincts.
Hidalgo County -
The county's top election official discovered the mistake when early voting results in House District 28 put long-shot Constitution Party candidate Ron Avery ahead of popular Democratic incumbent Henry Cuellar by almost 2,000 votes with roughly 2,200 tabulated.
The problem was not in the touch screen voting machines, nor the cartridges that record the totals, but in the specific software program written to compile the totals, Navarro said.
Election Systems and Software, which employs the programmer, provides voting equipment to 145 of the 254 counties in Texas, according to the secretary of state.